Every day I shop for clients, it’s like taking someone on a diet to a gourmet bakery. There is temptation everywhere. Over the years I have seen the most beautiful things for homes. Some things I secretly covet for myself and lay in bed dreaming about and other things while perfect for my client don’t strike me the same way. This process of selection is personal. Not everyone is going to like everything. That is what keeps design fresh and fluid and manufactures on the constant journey of providing new and unique options.
I’ve lived in my home for 5 years, this is a long time for me. Time has seasoned this house with memories and I am looking forward to many more years here. The kitchen of my home was the one area I never touched. It was fine, granite counters, simple backsplash. Nothing exciting , but not terrible. In the back of my mind I was always going to change the kitchen. I have taken many clients on the kitchen remodel journey so I knew what I was in for.
I gave in to temptation and made new selections to transform my own kitchen.
It is amazing what new counters, backsplash, hardware and paint can do to freshen up a kitchen. I see it all the time with clients but when you live with something everyday even the little changes seem major.
In about two weeks time and with a few unplanned splurges like a new sink and faucet. I have a fresh new kitchen that I’m excited to cook in.
The secret to any remodel is to have as much as possible preselected and subcontractors properly scheduled. All my materials were ordered and here in town ready and waiting.
Once the countertops were fabricated the backsplash, sink and tile could be installed.
I arranged for an electrician to come in the day after demo. All the wall plugs were moved up under the cabinets into plug strips. The beautiful concrete tile backsplash is the star of this room and I didn’t want plugs interrupting the design. Countertops were installed the day of demo and tile started two days later. There was plenty of dust and living without a kitchen sink, stove or dishwasher we quickly tired of fast food and pizza. However 2 weeks of dust and disruption was well worth the years of enjoyment we will get from the changes.
Sink and Bridge Faucet- Kohler, Concrete Tile- Walker Zanger, Walls- Benjamin Moore Classic Gray, Cabinet Hardware-Lowes, Cutting Boards-Nordstrom